Source code for trip_kinematics.Utility

from importlib_metadata import re
import numpy as np
from casadi import cos, sin

[docs]class Rotation: """Represents a 3D rotation. Can be initialized from quaternions, rotation matrices, or Euler angles, and can be represented as quaternions. Reimplements a (small) part of the scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation API and is meant to be used for converting between rotation representations to avoid depending on SciPy. This class is not meant to be instantiated directly using __init__; use the methods from_[representation] instead. """ def __init__(self, quat): quat /= np.linalg.norm(quat) self._xyzw = quat
[docs] @classmethod def from_quat(cls, xyzw, scalar_first=True): """Creates a :py:class`Rotation` object from a quaternion. Args: xyzw (np.array): Quaternion. scalar_first (bool, optional): Whether the quaternion is in scalar-first (w, x, y, z) or scalar-last (x, y, z, w) format. Defaults to True. Returns: Rotation: Rotation object. """ if scalar_first: return cls(xyzw[[1, 2, 3, 0]]) return cls(xyzw)
[docs] @classmethod def from_euler(cls, seq, rpy, degrees=False): """Creates a :py:class`Rotation` object from Euler angles. Args: seq (str): Included for compatibility with the SciPy API. Required to be set to 'xyz'. rpy (np.array): Euler angles. degrees (bool, optional): True for degrees and False for radians. Defaults to False. Returns: Rotation: Rotation object. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name assert seq == 'xyz' rpy = np.array(rpy) if degrees: rpy = rpy * (np.pi / 180) sin_r = np.sin(0.5 * rpy[0]) cos_r = np.cos(0.5 * rpy[0]) sin_p = np.sin(0.5 * rpy[1]) cos_p = np.cos(0.5 * rpy[1]) sin_y = np.sin(0.5 * rpy[2]) cos_y = np.cos(0.5 * rpy[2]) x = sin_r * cos_p * cos_y - cos_r * sin_p * sin_y y = cos_r * sin_p * cos_y + sin_r * cos_p * sin_y z = cos_r * cos_p * sin_y - sin_r * sin_p * cos_y w = cos_r * cos_p * cos_y + sin_r * sin_p * sin_y return cls(np.array([x, y, z, w]))
[docs] @classmethod def from_matrix(cls, matrix): """Creates a :py:class`Rotation` object from a rotation matrix. Uses a very similar algorithm to scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_matrix(). See scipy/spatial/transform/_rotation.pyx Args: matrix (np.array): Rotation matrix. Returns: Rotation: Rotation object. """ diag1 = matrix[0, 0] diag2 = matrix[1, 1] diag3 = matrix[2, 2] thing = diag1 + diag2 + diag3 diag = np.array([diag1, diag2, diag3, thing]) argmax = np.argmax(diag) quat = np.zeros(4) if argmax != 3: i = argmax j = (i + 1) % 3 k = (j + 1) % 3 quat[i] = 1 - diag[3] + 2 * matrix[i, i] quat[j] = matrix[j, i] + matrix[i, j] quat[k] = matrix[k, i] + matrix[i, k] quat[3] = matrix[k, j] - matrix[j, k] else: quat[0] = matrix[2, 1] - matrix[1, 2] quat[1] = matrix[0, 2] - matrix[2, 0] quat[2] = matrix[1, 0] - matrix[0, 1] quat[3] = 1 + diag[3] return cls(quat)
[docs] def as_quat(self, scalar_first=True): """Represents the object as a quaternion. Args: scalar_first (bool, optional): Represent the quaternion in scalar-first (w, x, y, z) or scalar-last (x, y, z, w) format. Defaults to True. Returns: np.array: Quaternion. """ if scalar_first: return self._xyzw[[3, 0, 1, 2]] return self._xyzw
def __str__(self): return f'''Rotation xyzw={self._xyzw}''' def __repr__(self): return f'''Rotation xyzw={self._xyzw}'''
[docs]def identity_transformation(): """Returns a 4x4 identity matix Returns: numpy.array: a 4x4 identity matrix """ return np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=object)
[docs]def hom_translation_matrix(t_x=0, t_y=0, t_z=0): """Returns a homogenous translation matrix Args: t_x (int, optional): Translation along the x axis. Defaults to 0. t_y (int, optional): Translation along the y axis. Defaults to 0. t_z (int, optional): Translation along the z axis. Defaults to 0. Returns: numpy.array: A 4x4 homogenous translation matrix """ return np.array( [[1, 0, 0, t_x], [0, 1, 0, t_y], [0, 0, 1, t_z], [0., 0., 0., 1.]], dtype=object)
[docs]def hom_rotation(rotation_matrix): """Converts a 3x3 rotation matrix into a 4x4 homogenous rotation mtrix Args: rotation_matrix (numpy.array): A 3x3 rotation matrix Returns: numpy.array: A 4x4 homogenous rotation matrix """ matrix = identity_transformation() matrix[:3, :3] = rotation_matrix return matrix
[docs]def quat_rotation_matrix(q_w, q_x, q_y, q_z) -> np.array: """Generates a 3x3 rotation matrix from q quaternion Args: q_w (float): part of a quaternion [q_w,q_x,q_y,q_z] q_x (float): part of a quaternion [q_w,q_x,q_y,q_z] q_y (float): part of a quaternion [q_w,q_x,q_y,q_z] q_z (float): part of a quaternion [q_w,q_x,q_y,q_z] Returns: numpy.array: A 3x3 rotation matrix """ return np.array([[1-2*(q_y**2+q_z**2), 2*(q_x*q_y-q_z*q_w), 2*(q_x*q_z + q_y*q_w)], [2*(q_x*q_y + q_z*q_w), 1-2 * (q_x**2+q_z**2), 2*(q_y*q_z - q_x*q_w)], [2*(q_x*q_z-q_y*q_w), 2*(q_y*q_z+q_x*q_w), 1-2*(q_x**2+q_y**2)]], dtype=object)
[docs]def x_axis_rotation_matrix(theta): """Generates a matrix rotating around the x axis Args: theta (float): The angle of rotation in rad Returns: numpy.array: A 3x3 rotation matrix """ return np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(theta), -sin(theta)], [0, sin(theta), cos(theta)]], dtype=object)
[docs]def y_axis_rotation_matrix(theta): """Generates a matrix rotating around the y axis Args: theta (float): The angle of rotation in rad Returns: numpy.array: A 3x3 rotation matrix """ return np.array([[cos(theta), 0, sin(theta)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(theta), 0, cos(theta)]], dtype=object)
[docs]def z_axis_rotation_matrix(theta): """Generates a matrix rotating around the z axis Args: theta (float): The angle of rotation in rad Returns: numpy.array: A 3x3 rotation matrix """ return np.array([[cos(theta), -sin(theta), 0], [sin(theta), cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=object)
[docs]def get_rotation(matrix): """Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix of the :py:class`TransformationMatrix` Returns: numpy.array: The 3x3 rotation matrix """ return matrix[: 3, : 3]
[docs]def get_translation(matrix): """Returns the translation of the :py:class`TransformationMatrix` Returns: numpy array: The 3 dimensional translation """ return matrix[: 3, 3]