Source code for trip_kinematics.Transformation

from typing import Dict, List
from copy import deepcopy

from trip_kinematics.Utility import hom_translation_matrix, x_axis_rotation_matrix
from trip_kinematics.Utility import y_axis_rotation_matrix, z_axis_rotation_matrix
from trip_kinematics.Utility import quat_rotation_matrix
import trip_kinematics.KinematicGroup

[docs]def array_find(arr, obj) -> int: """A helpher function which finds the index of an object in an array. Instead of throwing an error when no index can be found it returns -1. Args: arr : the array to be searched obj : the object whose index is to be found. Returns: int: The index of obj in the array. -1 if the object is not in the array """ index = -1 try: index = arr.index(obj) return index except: return -1
[docs]class Transformation(): """Initializes the :py:class:`Transformation` class. Args: name (str): The unique name identifying the Transformation. No two :py:class:`Transformation` objects of a :py:class`Robot` should have the same name values (Dict[str, float]): A parametric description of the transformation. state_variables (List[str], optional): This list describes which state variables are dynamically changable. This is the case if the :py:class:`Transformation` represents a joint. Defaults to []. Raises: ValueError: A dynamic state was declared that does not correspond to a parameter declared in ``values``. """
[docs] @staticmethod def get_convention(state: Dict[str, float]): """Returns the connvention which describes how the matrix of a :py:class:`Transformation` is build from its state. Args: state (Dict[str, float]): :py:attr:'state' Raises: ValueError: "Invalid key." If the dictionary kontains keys that dont correspond to a parameter of the transformation. ValueError: "State can't have euler angles and quaternions!" If the dictionary contains keys correspondig to multiple mutually exclusive conventions. Returns: [type]: A string describing the convention """ valid_keys = ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'qw', 'qx', 'qy', 'qz', 'rx', 'rz', 'ry'] quaternion_keys = valid_keys[3:7] euler_keys = valid_keys[7:] got_quaternion = False got_euler = False for key in state: if array_find(valid_keys, key) == -1: raise ValueError( "Invalid key, acceptable keys are: "+str(valid_keys)) if array_find(quaternion_keys, key) >= 0: got_quaternion = True if array_find(euler_keys, key) >= 0: got_euler = True if got_euler and got_quaternion: raise ValueError("State can't have euler angles and quaternions!") if got_euler: return "euler" return "quaternion"
def __init__(self, name: str, values: Dict[str, float], state_variables: List[str] = None, parent=None): self._name = name self.children = [] if parent is None: self.parent = name elif isinstance(parent, (trip_kinematics.KinematicGroup, Transformation)): self.parent = str(parent) parent.add_children(name) else: raise TypeError( "The parent of a Transformation must be either " + "a KinematicGroup or a Transformation") if state_variables is None: state_variables = [] if not set(state_variables) <= set(values.keys()): raise ValueError( "Element of state_variables do not correspond to key(s) of values dictionary." + " This can happen if both follow different conventions") constants = {} state = {} self.convention = Transformation.get_convention(values) for key in values: if array_find(state_variables, key) != -1: state.setdefault(key, values.get(key)) else: constants.setdefault(key, values.get(key)) self._state = state self._constants = constants def __str__(self): return self._name
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns a copy of the :py:attr:`_state` attribute of the :py:class:`Transformation` object. Returns: Dict[str,float]: a copy of the :py:attr:`_state` """ return deepcopy(self._state)
[docs] def set_state(self, state: Dict[str, float]): """Sets the state of the :py:class:`Transformation` object. Args: state (Dict[str, float]): Dictionary with states that should be set. Does not have to be the full state. Raises: KeyError: If a key in the argument is not valid state parameter name. """ for key in state: if not key in self._state: raise KeyError( "The specified keys is not part of the Transformations state." + "Maybe the Transofmration uses a different convention?") self._state[key] = state[key]
[docs] def get_name(self): """Returns the :py:attr:`_name` of the :py:class:`Transformation` Returns: str: a copy the :py:attr:`_name` attribute """ return deepcopy(self._name)
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self): """Returns a homogeneous transformation matrix build from the :py:attr:`state` and :py:attr:`constants` Raises: RuntimeError: If the convention used in :py:attr:`state` is not supported. Should normally be catched during initialization. Returns: [type]: A transformation matrix build using the parameters of the :py:class:`Transformation` :py:attr:`state` """ # collect transformation parameters from state and constants respectively t_x = self._constants.get( 'tx') if 'tx' in self._constants else self._state.get('tx', 0) t_y = self._constants.get( 'ty') if 'ty' in self._constants else self._state.get('ty', 0) t_z = self._constants.get( 'tz') if 'tz' in self._constants else self._state.get('tz', 0) matrix = hom_translation_matrix(t_x, t_y, t_z) if self.convention == 'euler': r_x = self._constants.get( 'rx') if 'rx' in self._constants else self._state.get('rx', 0) r_y = self._constants.get( 'ry') if 'ry' in self._constants else self._state.get('ry', 0) r_z = self._constants.get( 'rz') if 'rz' in self._constants else self._state.get('rz', 0) matrix[:3, :3] = x_axis_rotation_matrix( r_x) @ y_axis_rotation_matrix(r_y) @ z_axis_rotation_matrix(r_z) elif self.convention == 'quaternion': q_w = self._constants.get( 'qw') if 'qw' in self._constants else self._state.get('qw', 0) q_x = self._constants.get( 'qx') if 'qx' in self._constants else self._state.get('qx', 0) q_y = self._constants.get( 'qy') if 'qy' in self._constants else self._state.get('qy', 0) q_z = self._constants.get( 'qz') if 'qz' in self._constants else self._state.get('qz', 0) matrix[:3, :3] = quat_rotation_matrix(q_w, q_x, q_y, q_z) else: raise RuntimeError("No Convention. " + "This should normally be catched during initialization. " + "Did you retroactively change the keys of the Transformation state?") return matrix
[docs] def add_children(self, child: str): """Adds the name of a :py:class:`KinematicGroup` or :py:class:`Transformation` as a child. Args: child (str): the name of a :py:class:`KinematicGroup` or :py:class:`Transformation` """ self.children.append(child)