Source code for trip_kinematics.Robot

from typing import Dict, List
from copy import deepcopy
from casadi import SX

from trip_kinematics.Utility import identity_transformation
from trip_kinematics.KinematicGroup import KinematicGroup, OpenKinematicGroup
from trip_kinematics.Transformation import Transformation

[docs]class Robot: """A class representing the kinematic model of a robot. Args: kinematic_chain (List[KinematicGroup]): A list of Kinematic Groups and Transformations which make up the robot. Transformations are automatically converted to groups Raises: KeyError: "More than one robot actuator has the same name! Please give each actuator a unique name" if there are actuated states with the same names between the :py:class`KinematicGroup` objects of the :py:class`Robot` KeyError: if there are joints with the same names between the :py:class`KinematicGroup` objects of the :py:class`Robot` """ def __init__(self, kinematic_chain: List[KinematicGroup]) -> None: self._group_dict = {} self._actuator_group_mapping = {} self._virtual_group_mapping = {} for i, group in enumerate(kinematic_chain): if isinstance(group, Transformation): # create group from trafo, lifting the parent and child relations to group level group_children = group.children group_parent = group.parent # KinematicGroup expects endeffector of virtual children to have no children group.children = [] # KinematicGroup expects root of virtual children to have itself as a parent group.parent = str(group) group = OpenKinematicGroup(name=str(group), virtual_chain=[group], parent=None) # carefull this circumvents the usual checks for correct group and parent names! group.children = group_children group.parent = group_parent self._group_dict[str(group)] = group if group.get_virtual_state() != {}: group_actuators = group.get_actuated_state().keys() for key in group_actuators: if key in self._actuator_group_mapping: raise KeyError( "More than one robot actuator has the same name!" + " Please give each actuator a unique name") self._actuator_group_mapping[key] = str(group) for key in group.get_virtual_state(): if key in self._virtual_group_mapping: raise KeyError( "More than one transformation of a virtual chain has the same name!" + " Please give each virtual transformation of a robot a unique name") self._virtual_group_mapping[key] = str(group)
[docs] def get_groups(self): """Returns a dictionary of the py:class`KinematicGroup` managed by the :py:class`Robot`_ Since Transformations are internally converted to Groups, this also returns all Transformations. Returns: Dict[str, KinematicGroup]: The dictionary of py:class`KinematicGroup` objects. """ return deepcopy(self._group_dict)
[docs] def pass_group_arg_v_to_a(self, argv_dict: Dict): """Passes optional virtual_to_actuated mapping arguments to :py:class`KinematicGroup` objects of the robot. Args: argv_dict (Dict): A dictionary containing the mapping arguments keyed with the :py:class`KinematicGroup` names. Raises: KeyError: If no group with the name given in the argument is part of the robot. """ for key in argv_dict: if key not in self._group_dict: raise KeyError("No group with name "+str(key)+"in this robot") self._group_dict[key].pass_arg_v_to_a(argv_dict[key])
[docs] def pass_group_arg_a_to_v(self, argv_dict): """Passes optional actuated_to_virtual mapping arguments to :py:class`KinematicGroup` objects of the robot. Args: argv_dict (Dict): A dictionary containing the mapping arguments keyed with the :py:class`KinematicGroup` names. Raises: KeyError: If no group with the name given in the argument is part of the robot. """ for key in argv_dict: if key not in self._group_dict: raise KeyError("No group with name "+str(key)+"in this robot") self._group_dict[key].pass_arg_a_to_v(argv_dict[key])
[docs] def set_virtual_state(self, state: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]): """Sets the virtual state of multiple virtual joints of the robot. Args: state (Dict[str,Dict[str, float]]): A dictionary containing the members of :py:attr:`__virtual_state` that should be set. The new values need to be valid state for the state of the joint. """ for key in state: virtual_state = {key: state[key]} self._group_dict[self._virtual_group_mapping[key] ].set_virtual_state(virtual_state)
[docs] def set_actuated_state(self, state: Dict[str, float]): """Sets the virtual state of multiple actuated joints of the robot. Args: state (Dict[str, float]): A dictionary containing the members of :py:attr:`__actuated_state` that should be set. """ grouping = {} for key in state: if self._actuator_group_mapping[key] not in grouping: grouping[self._actuator_group_mapping[key]] = {} grouping[self._actuator_group_mapping[key]][key] = state[key] for key, group_state in grouping.items(): self._group_dict[key].set_actuated_state(group_state)
[docs] def get_actuated_state(self): """Returns the actuated state of the :py:class`Robot` comprised of the actuated states of the individual :py:class`KinematicGroup`. Returns: Dict[str, float]: combined actuated state of all :py:class`KinematicGroup` objects. """ actuated_state = {} for group in self._group_dict.values(): actuated_group_state = group.get_actuated_state() if actuated_group_state is not None: for actuated_key in actuated_group_state: actuated_state[actuated_key] = actuated_group_state[actuated_key] return actuated_state
[docs] def get_virtual_state(self): """Returns the virtual state of the :py:class`Robot` comprised of the virtual states of the individual :py:class`KinematicGroup`. Returns: Dict[str,Dict[str, float]]: combined virtual state of all :py:class`KinematicGroup` objects. """ virtual_state = {} for group_key in self._group_dict: group_state = self._group_dict[group_key].get_virtual_state() if group_state != {}: for key in group_state: virtual_state[key] = group_state[key] return virtual_state
[docs] def get_symbolic_rep(self, endeffector: str): """This Function returnes a symbolic representation of the virtual chain. Args: endeffector (str): The name of the group whose virtual chain models the desired endeffector Raises: KeyError: If the endeffector argument is not the name of a transformation or group Returns: SX: A 4x4 symbolic casadi matrix containing the transformation from base to endeffector """ matrix = identity_transformation() symbolic_state = [] symbolic_keys = [] group_dict = self.get_groups() if endeffector not in group_dict: raise KeyError( "The endeffector must be a valid group or transformation name." + " Valid names for this robot are: "+str(group_dict.keys())) endeff_group = group_dict[endeffector] current_parent = endeff_group.parent current_key = endeffector group_key_list = [endeffector] while current_parent != current_key: next_group = group_dict[current_parent] current_key = current_parent current_parent = next_group.parent group_key_list.append(current_key) group_key_list.reverse() for group_key in group_key_list: group = group_dict[group_key] virtual_trafo = group.get_virtual_chain() for virtual_key in virtual_trafo: virtual_transformation = virtual_trafo[virtual_key] state = virtual_transformation.get_state() if state != {}: for key in state: state[key] = SX.sym(virtual_key+'_'+key) symbolic_state.append(state[key]) symbolic_keys.append([virtual_key, key]) symbolic_transformation = deepcopy(virtual_transformation) symbolic_transformation.set_state(state) hmt = symbolic_transformation.get_transformation_matrix() matrix = matrix @ hmt hom_matrix = SX.zeros(4, 4) for i in range(4): for j in range(4): hom_matrix[i, j] = matrix[i, j] return hom_matrix, symbolic_state, symbolic_keys
[docs] def get_endeffectors(self): """Returns a list of possible endeffectors. These are the names of all :py:class:`KinematicGroup` objects. Since Transformations are internally converted to Groups, this includes the names of all Transformations. Returns: list(str): list of possible endeffectors. """ return list(self.get_groups().keys())
[docs]def forward_kinematics(robot: Robot, endeffector): """Calculates a robots transformation from base to endeffector using its current state Args: robot (Robot): The robot for which the forward kinematics should be computed Returns: numpy.array : The Transformation from base to endeffector """ transformation = identity_transformation() group_dict = robot.get_groups() if endeffector not in group_dict: raise KeyError( "The endeffector must be a valid group name. Valid group names for this robot are: " + str(group_dict.keys())) endeff_group = group_dict[endeffector] current_parent = endeff_group.parent current_key = endeffector group_key_list = [endeffector] while current_parent != current_key: next_group = group_dict[current_parent] current_key = current_parent current_parent = next_group.parent group_key_list.append(current_key) group_key_list.reverse() for group_key in group_key_list: group = group_dict[group_key] hmt = group.get_transformation_matrix() transformation = transformation @ hmt return transformation